Life is scripted. Be a shepherd!

Life Testimony generator

My Life Testimony

From a eater to a Shepherd with a Father's Heart

Key Verse: 1 Peter 2:9

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Part I. My hopeless life of eating

Hello! My name is . I was born in . I grew up in a typical town with my family. I spent all my time eating . I was so hopeless and lost. I loved too much. I worshipped an unknown God, even though my family are faithful Christians. I grew up watching them and saw how they were just hallelujah Christains. They did not serve God's mission.

In my freshman year of college, I met Missionary Abraham. He looked like such a funny man, but I could tell he was so gracious and humble. He invited me to Bible study. I said "No." But then he visited me again. He kept visiting me absolutley. And so I said "Yes" to Bible study. Through Bible study and my first Easter Conference, God opened my dark heart and led me to salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. I will never again.

As a new sheep, I enjoyed much fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We ate so much spiritual ! After this, I decided to commit my life to following Christ. I decided to give my life to helping college students to live according to the Bible and be a shepherd for God on all campuses around the world and eat spiritual food every day and have a father's heart for all 28,000 wondering college students on our campus. By the grace of God, I will have one to one Bible studies every week!

Part II. A Shepherd with a Father's heart

God first shined His light into my dark soul through common life with other shepherds. At first, I felt like a grasshopper among spiritual giants. Through common life with shepherds, I learned the hidden servant life. I enjoyed times of eating fellowship. I tasted the love of God through spiritual .

In my human nature, I am such a sinner. I am the worst of all sinners. I sin all the time. I hate my sin. I have few leadership qualities. But God had a plan to raise me as a world-class spiritual leader who can lead a chosen people.

In the past I tried hard to feed sheep on my own. I walked to campus every day but nobody came to Bible study. So I decided to have one to one Bible study with my toy doll. By faith I decided to have one to one Bible studies every week for the glory of God!

By nature, I am a man of few words. But God wants me to be a messenger to declare his word of truth. Personally, I had a good career as a . But I now have a vision to live as a self-supporting lay-shepherd in UBF ministry for the glory of God to make America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and to raised 10,000 house churches and 100,000 missionaries by the year 2041. We will pray for 120 fellowship members. We will hold prayer topic that USA may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

One Word: From a eater to a Shepherd with a Father's Heart

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